The aesthetics of marble : from late Antiquity to the present / edited by Dario Gamboni, Gerhard Wolf, and Jessica N. Richardson


Gamboni, Dario (1954-..). Directeur de publication. Auteur | Wolf, Gerhard (1952-..) - historien de l'art. Directeur de publication. Auteur | Richardson, Jessica N. Directeur de publication. Auteur

Edité par Kunsthistorisches Institut in Florenz, Max-Planck-Institut. Florence - 2021

Marble is a metamorphic stone that has been a material of choice and a subject of reflection for millennia. Its geology, history, and economics are well known, but its aesthetics remain understudied. This book sheds new light on the celebration and uses of marble in art and literature and on the iconic potential of the stone. Through empirical research centered on the Mediterranean from Late Antiquity to the present, it closely examines the artistic versatility of marble in its uses and re-uses, including the marble cladding of architecture, the carving of marble and painting on stone, their political and philosophical connotations, and the de- and re-materializing of marble made possible by digital technology

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